Canada – You Will NEVER Be Fully-Vaxxed

Canada’s Health Minister: “You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed”

This is the new ‘right way’ to think about vaccinations…

Despite increasingly compelling data and peer reviewed studies coming out detailing the harms and side-effects of vaccinations, Canada’s Liberal-Socialist coalition government is doubling down on vaccinations, and appear ready move the goalposts on what constitutes vaccine compliance.

As reported via Blacklocks Reporter (@mindingottawa on Twitter),

Canadians will be required to get a Covid shot every nine months for the foreseeable future, says Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. Previous definitions of “fully vaccinated” made no sense, he told reporters.

“Nine months is very clear and will help people understand why ‘up to date’ is the right way to think about vaccination now,” said Duclos.

“‘Fully vaccinated’ makes no sense now. It’s about ‘up to date.’  So am I up to date in my vaccination? Have I received a vaccination in the last nine months?”

Duclos previously called for the provinces to make vaccinations mandatory and when asked by reporters if mandates would return this fall, he replied “We must continue to fight against Covid.”

Canada seems to be one of the few countries outside Communist China who is frantically clinging to the COVID narrative, relentlessly pushing largely ineffective  (and arguably dangerous) vaccines on an increasingly fed up population.

The Trudeau regime is increasingly unpopular, a recent Angus Reid poll finding those who “strongly support” the government falling into single digits. The largest single category was “strongly disapprove” at 41%,

Reeling with numerous scandals, corruption and gaffes,  Justin Trudeau holds power solely through the merger of his party with the  Canada’s Socialist NDP, headed by millionaire Jagmeet Singh.

The deal ostensibly keeps him in office until 2025. Singh is also on the ropes, frequently being jeered in public even among his base constituency in Brampton, Ontario. His brother lost his seat in the recent Ontario election, and Sing himself was run out of a campaign stop by enraged Sikhs who called him “a sell out”.

Time For Your Plan B

Most agnostic and object political observers agree: should the Liberal-Socialist Party make it to 2025, they will be mercilessly deposed on par with the 1993 electoral bloodbath.  When Canadians had had enough of Brian Mulroney (he bailed before the election, leaving Kim Campbell holding the bag) and the Conservatives were blown out so badly they lost their party status: going from 156 seats in Parliament, to just 2.

Both the Liberals and NDPs face similar prospects by Canadians who are sick and tired of being called “fringe” and “racists”, fed up with being gaslit by a smug, out-of-touch, government subsidized media, and well  beyond done with this COVID business.

But until that happens, this clown show can do a lot of damage – mandatory vaccinations being just the beginning.

The economy is headed for a depression because our Finance Minister is an economically illiterate ideologue. We should be an energy super-power but instead this fully Woke government is demonizing our oil and gas industry and probably driving the West right out of confederation. Then they’re ramming through internet censorship bills that would make the CCP proud.

If you haven’t decided your line in the sand, it’s time to do that. I know mine.

And then get to work putting your Plan B in motion:

Start working on a second passport, setting up businesses, revenue streams and assets outside of Canada. Everybody knows I’m a huge Bitcoin fan, so holding a portion of your wealth in BTC keeps it out of the reach of these plundering tyrants.

If the government is going to move the goalposts, then the rest of us have to move the playing field. In this coming era of decentralization, the antidote to government overreach is extreme Sovereign Individualism.0 –Authored by Mark Jeftovic via – Authored by Mark Jeftovic via,/via

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Yup. You will NEVER be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  You will be required to be injected with whatever Justin TurD-oh wants you to have injected in your body.  If you refuse, then your life will be severely restricted.  Possibly have your bank account frozen.

Duclos previously called for the provinces to make vaccinations mandatory

What happened to the My Body My Choice chant I have been hearing lately.  You know the protests by people who do not believe that governments have the right to decide what a person can or cannot do to their body?

Canada seems to be one of the few countries outside Communist China who is frantically clinging to the COVID narrative, relentlessly pushing largely ineffective  (and arguably dangerous) vaccines on an increasingly fed up population.

Justin loves China. He loves the control that a dictator such as Xi Jinping has over his population.  Nobody cares.

I am beginning to hate this country.  I’d leave if I was a younger man.  As it is right now, I am too old.  Maybe next time around, I will come to this realization at a much younger age.

and then there is this from April 23, 2021

Ottawa inks deal with Pfizer for millions of COVID-19 booster shots through 2024

In their latest procurement efforts, the federal government has reached a deal with Pfizer to secure 35 million COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for next year and 30 million for the year after.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement at a press conference on Friday, stating that the agreement includes options for an additional 30 million doses in both 2022 and 2023, and 60 million more in 2024.

“Pfizer has been a solid partner for Canada in this fight against COVID-19 and we are happy to be one of the first countries to secure an agreement with them going forward,” said Trudeau, adding that the boosters will reflect the latest virus research and testing.

This means Canada has guaranteed access to 65 million doses, with the ability to tap into 120 million more if necessary.

“In addition to providing booster vaccine doses, the agreement provides flexibility to procure future COVID-19 vaccine formulations from Pfizer, such as those to protect against variants of concern and vaccines developed for children,” reads a government press release.

Trudeau said his team is also in discussions with other vaccine manufactures about their plans to develop booster shots, while at the same time working on bolstering Canada’s capacity to produce vaccines domestically.

As the government prepares for the future, the country is still battling a turbulent third wave with the only remedy being more vaccines in more arms.

Just over 27 per cent of eligible Canadians have received at least their first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to’s vaccine tracker. In total, 11,396,492 doses have been administered across the country.

Maj.-Gen. Dany Fortin, who is leading the logistics of Canada’s rollout, said on Thursday that next week Canada will see shipments from three manufacturers, with doses coming from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

Next week’s deliveries include 1,019,070 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, 650,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine, and 300,000 doses of the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Should all shipments arrive on time, the plan is to get the batches out to provinces and territories to use by early May.

Asked whether the booster shot agreement means Canadians will be receiving COVID-19 shots well into 2024, Trudeau said it’s more of a precautionary measure in case of future outbreaks.

“In terms of looking forward to booster shots, I think Canadians expect us to be ready for whatever happens and there is certainly a hope that booster shots might not be necessary, but we are much better off to ensure that we are prepared in case they are,” he said.  – CTV News

article website here

Hmmmm….I wonder if the purchase of the 65 million doses (with options to buy 90 million more) of Pfizer has anything to do with the “never be fully vaxxed”  policy?  You know, 65 million doses need 65 million arms to get injected into.  Canada’s population is just under 39 million.  What better way to get rid of all of those jabs is to make vaxxing mandatory for several years….whether the people need the jabs or not.   Remember to ‘follow the money” and COVID has always been about the money.

Natural immunity?  In Canada, there is no such thing.  Really?  Where is the science behind that?  In Fact, where is the science behind endless vaxxing? What other country is doing this?  Is there one?

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