Thunder Bay – Sunday – Father’s Day

What  everything in this city would look like without handouts from Queens Park and Ottawa. How did once proud cities of Port Arthur and Fort William end up as a beggarly city of Thunder Bay?  Always has it hands out looking for cash for infrastructure that should be funded by either the private sector, public fund raising, taxes, or a combination of all three.  The new art gallery for example. $44 million.  Money raised by public fund raising/private sector? Less than 10%.  Projects such as that should at the minimum have to raise 50% of the cost by public/private donations in order to qualify for matching government funding.  Can’t raise $22 million? Then build a facility that the organization CAN AFFORD.

Remember that money coming out of the coffers of any level of government comes out of YOUR pocket or your child’s pocket or your child’s child’s pocket or your child’s child’s child’s pocket etc.  Budget deficits are taking money out of the pockets of future taxpayers. There is no such thing as free government funding.

Ah yes….

The sky was the main focus for me today.

Lots going on there


Fireworks?  Must have had something to do with Gay Day yesterday in the north downtown core.

Young Hooded Mergansers?

A mother Goldeneye with her brood

Yes. A ski boot.

Trash in context

The morning after Gay Day in the downtown north core.

Ahhh yes….who will clean up.

Who must empty the trash cans?

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