Thunder Bay – Thursday

Big Dig today

Royalton has a new pane of  “Thunder Bay glass”.

Our high salaried residents of City Hall have a surplus of $10 million and have no idea what to do with that money….then they announce big raises for senior administration employees.

Lets face it.  City taxes are not high enough to support our city’s bureaucracy and infrastructure.  If it wasn’t for the hand-outs from senior levels of government, this city would be even more of a shithole than it is now.

Maybe Thunder Bay is not a city that needs to “achieve a policy that aims to keep salaries for non-union staff exactly in the middle of rates paid by a group of comparable Ontario municipalities, using the annual Mercer’s survey.”

Maybe Thunder Bay is a “developmental league” type of city.  Salaries at the bottom of “rates paid by a group of comparable Ontario municipalities, using the Mercer’s survey”. I highly doubt that this city deserves being located in the middle of any group of comparable Ontario municipalities.  It just doesn’t.

People come here for experience then move on.  Some will stay.

Retention is not all that important.  A regular change of managerial staff may be a good thing.  Fresh ideas.

Just look at City Council.  That is a prime example of why having regular staff turnover would be a good thing.  Term limits on council. Two terms and you are done.

Tree Swallows

Morning sky


New cruise ship arriving Sunday.


Mask photo

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