Thunder Bay – Sunday

Another one of THESE days.

Thank heavens the cruise ship has left.  This is the road leading up to the Pool 6 site.  The MP for Thunder Bay – Rainy River, Marcus Powlowski would describe this as a war zone.

With no cruise ship present, these flags could be taken down.  Not sure why they are still up. Who are they for?

Dock site very quiet.  Will the construction company be back tomorrow?  Still lots of work to do.

Ahhh, the chairs that the City of Thunder Bay gave to the Lakehead Transportation Museum Society and then took them back.  I bet $10 that nobody sat in them when the ship was here.  Why would they?  Sit in the chair and stare at the ship on which you are a passenger? Seriously?  The public was not allowed down there. Who are the chairs for?

MV Federal Ruhr

Pinwheel discarded at the Alexander Henry site.

Luggage tent. The City of Thunder By could rent it out between cruise ship visits.  Maybe an AirB&B?  Seems sad to just have it sit there unused.

MV Onego Duero

Common Merganser

Fought with a gull over this prize and was victorious. Sadly, when the crow was not looking, the gull swooped in a took it. Crows are not as smart as people think.

Free bike for the taking.

Gay pirate.  Gay June is coming up.  I imagine this pirate will be ‘gay pirating’ a lot. What colour of parrot does this pirate have sitting on his/her/? shoulder?  I am going with Scarlet Macaw. Just seems to make sense.




Looks like the previous repair did not work.

Pigeon trapped inside building.  How it got in there is anyone’s guess.  It does want to get out though, and cannot understand what is keeping it from simply flying out into the world it clearly sees.   There is an invisible barrier blocking its exit.

Some public art

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