Thunder Bay – Thursday

If you have the urge to read something and you are in Marina Park, there is a book. Read it for free.

Meet the new gate, the same as the old gate. Cruise ship due tomorrow evening.  Can’t drive down to the Pool 6 site. Only walk. Unless you are planning on visiting the Alexander Henry.

Can’t get access to the dock.  Secure area.

Double-crested Cormorant airing out its pits.

Check out those flippers.  When diving for food, the bird moves through the water like a torpedo.

Greater Scaup?

Getting the north downtown core ready for its transformation into the Streetery.

Lots of colour


Mask photo with a yellow bag


Some fisheye photos

Blast from the past. Marquette Michigan, 2009. As you can see, my abilities have not progressed all that much over the past 13 years. Oh well…

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