Thunder Bay – Monday – Victoria Day

I know I have photographed this sign before but its a new morning. The sun is shining.  Clear blue sky.

A little known tradition amongst Thunder Bay donut eaters.  You never eat the last donut.  This discarded donut represents the pastry that would have been eaten by all of the Thunder Bay donut eaters that have come and gone before.

Long train running passed by another long train running.

MV Federal Beaufort

Lesser Yellowleg?  Greater Yellowleg?  Hard for me to say. I am not a bird expert.

Nice reflections this morning

Three hungry beaks to feed. Baby Ravens.

An adult delivery food

You can only take soooo much before you explode.

Not mine. The fuel alone is out of my budget range.

If the City of Thunder Bay wants to get the north core’s Streetery open before the cruise ship arrival , they are almost out of time. Ship arrives the evening of the 27th.  Passengers getting on the ship here should be in town shortly before that.

Has not been open for weeks.  My understanding is that finding staff is an issue.

Took another shot at macro photography.

I see more than two lips here.  Get it two lips? Tulips?

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