Thunder Bay – Friday

Vandalism or did the wind blow it over?  I put it back up on its perch anyway.  No damage.

Rainbow on Bay taking back the rainbow?

Mask photo

Long weekend starting today.  Pool 6 construction site will be quiet.   A week left before cruise ship arrival.

Tree Swallow

Female Re-winged Blackbird giving me a lot of verbal abuse.

Beaver sighting in marina again.  I wonder where it lives?

Flotsam or jetsam? According to the definition, this is flotsam.



MV Drawsko

A large flotilla of Double-crested Cormorants chasing the fish

Rumour has it that the Prince Arthur has been purchased by a large “higher end” chain and will be renovated.  If that is true, it will be interesting to see what happens to the residents of the hotel.  I believe there are people living there fulltime.  Not something a “high end” hotel chain would want.  Anyway, keep an eye out to see what comes of this rumour.

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