The World – World Health Organization Will Be In Charge Of Your Health. The Beginning Of The End.

Yup. Unelected WHO bureaucrats working for the US, Bill Gates and the UK will decide what gets injected into your body.  Expect global health passports which will control every little bit of freedom you might still be allowed to have. A global social credit system ‘encouraging’ people to follow orders.  Bank accounts?  You want access? Obey.  Want food? Obey.  Want to travel anywhere? Obey. Want a place to live?  Obey. Want a job? Obey.

I feel so sorry to the young people. They have no real future.  They will be workers. They will be living in the dystopian world that was so vividly described in Orwell’s novel 1984.  Own nothing and be happy. Expect that book to be banned soon.

And nobody cares. We are being marched into that world eyes wide shut.

Food shortages?  Inflation?  War?  Financial Depression?  Its all tied to the Global Central Control narrative.  Make the population suffer and then offer them a solution. A white knight that will come riding in to save the day.  Will it be Bill Gates? George Soros? World Economic Forum? None of them? All of them?

This is just the beginning.  What will be in the ‘jabs’ that the WHO require the world to administer to its citizens?  You won’t know for sure.

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