Thunder Bay – Mapleward Generating Station Valuable Despite Lagging Results

Mapleward generating station valuable despite lagging results, Synergy North says The performance of the renewable generating station at the Mapleward landfill remains well below initial expectations, requiring a second injection of $1 million to remain solvent, but the station is still bringing financial and environmental benefits, Synergy North says. When the plant was opened in … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Looks like camping season has begun down at Marina Park. Just so you know. Ice is disappearing quickly. Marina opens up tomorrow Free bicycles in Marina Park. Tree Swallows catching some sun MV Onego Traveler Goldeneye Passport Canada is now involved in parking?  Of course. The object is that the government will track every aspect … Read more

The World – CDC Admits It Can’t Back Claim That “Vaccines” Don’t Cause Variants

CDC Admits It Can’t Back Claim That Vaccines Don’t Cause Variants The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it does not have documents backing its claim that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. “FACT: COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes … Read more