Thunder Bay – Friday The 13th

Sure, the sun came out in the late morning but when I was out, it was foggy and cool.

Monsters in the mist.

Sleeping with one eye open AND standing on one leg. Wish I could do that. Not sure why I would want to do that but that talent might come in handy one day.  You never know.

Nothing to see out there.  There is a ship anchored out there somewhere.


Interesting. It looks just like the ice sculptures that were predent on Snow Days.

I wonder why ice cubes don’t melt like this?

No secret as to why this bird is called a Goldeneye

Crack pattern looks like lightning bolt. Lots of lightning around that last two nights.

May 15, access to Pier 3 will once again be available to the public.

I wonder what gulls make of this?

Replacing the sky to create some interest.  Not the best photo I have ever taken.

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