Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mask photo

Mask photo

Magic cone silently doing its job.

Trash with a view

New signs?  Might be opening for the long weekend

Construction zones are interesting places.  For weeks, nothing appears to be happening other than noise and dust.  The all of a sudden, things start to come together.

I believe that considering the very short timeline, immense pressure to complete  work before cruise ship arrives, things are looking good.  Will everything be complete before ship arrival?  Probably not.

Imagine if this chunk of waterfront was reclaimed over the past 20 years.  Each year, a little more work done. Trees planted.  Shrubs. Plants.  Landscape work. All of those things would now be more mature.

Of course, that would require a City Hall/Council with vision.  Thinking five, ten years ahead.  Sadly, we don’t have a City Hall/Council capable of such things.  We have a City Hall/Council that only knows how to beg for cash from senior levels of government.

Tree Swallows. I think they were getting nervous about me.  They are ready to leave.

Blue-winged Teals

Ice chunks


Common Grackle

Did someone make a tent shelter?

Looks like this has been repaired several time before.

Cookie jar. I remember there being cookies in it at some point but I am pretty sure it spent most of its life as a container full of almost anything BUT cookies.


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