Thunder Bay – Sunday – Mother’s Day

Waiting for work to start of the site of the former Finnish Labour Temple.

Cruise ship dock so far. Still lots of work to do. So little time. Why this work was not started last year or even sooner, is a question that needs to be asked.

Information on Viking Cruises here. Eight day cruises between Milwaukee and Thunder Bay START at $10,000 US. Scary expensive.

Blue-winged Teal

Tree Swallows.

Female Common Merganser

Ice patterns

Not sure what is going on here. Undermining or vandalism?  Looks like undermining to me.  Rec trail may be in danger of eroding in these areas.

Chionodoxa?  Early bloomer whatever it is.

Not happy about getting poked in the eye?

A walk around the north core on a Sunday morning.

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