Thunder Bay – Saturday

Not sure what this is. A replacement safety cone?

Double-crested Cormorant

Tree Swallow

Remember when bottle caps were a thing?  Opening up a beer bottle with a belt buckle?  Ahhh, the good old days.


Yellowleg. Not sure if its a Greater or Lesser Yellowleg

Common Grackle

The Pool 6 site so far

Ice pattern

Still a lot of ice out there.

Visitors to Marina Park have to choices. Throw trash in a trash ca or toss it adjacent to where they are standing.

Free meal.  Could have thrown the container in the trash. However, when you are a POS, then throwing the trash on the ground is much more appealing.


OK. I will.

Had I known that if you want to get rid of an old fridge, just leave it anywhere in the city.  Someone will pick it up.  No longer your problem.

Candidate Vaugeois has learned that politics is a blood sport.  If you don’t want to get bit, then don’t get into a pit filled with snakes.

Poor poor Candidate Vaugeois. We all know that the NDP or Liberals would have done the very same thing if they discovered that a Conservative candidate had discussed the national anthem as a cultural tool back in 2019.  All political parties do this.  Its disgusting.




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