Thunder Bay – Friday

Looks like a cigarette garden. Did someone scatter cigarette butts around in hopes of growing full sized cigarettes? I will keep you posted.


Tree Swallows

New road leading to cruise ship dock area. They are running out of time.

Buses uncovered.

A pomegranate.  I have seen just about every other fruit laying around.  Not a lot of this fruit.  I have never had one.

Red-winged Blackbird singing

MV Perelik at Thunder Bay Terminals

Marina opens up on May 15. Still lots of ice.

Ice patterns

Ahhhh yes. I am in a Thunder Bay park.

Hmmm… lots of clothes

Not sure what all of this stuff is.

LCBO bag

McDonald’s coffee cup

Not sure what a group of ‘Magic’ Cones is called.  A clutch of cones?  An ice cream of cones?


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