Thunder Bay – Monday

Tug MV Point Valour

Tug MV Glenada

Blue-winged Teals

Canada Geese, Blue-winged Teals and Northern Shovelers

One of the large stones has fallen over



Goldeneyes and Bufflehead

Red-breasted Merganser

Another example of the level of FUBAR that this city is in.  You can’t fix this city with only a 2% and change rate hike.  A 10% increase each year for at least 5 years might be a good start provided you could find enough contractors to do the work PLUS there is enough time to do it before the snow.

In Thunder Bay, infrastructure needed to be maintained regularly in order to keep an infrastructure deficit from becoming a thing.  Now its too late.  We can never get caught up. Every year. we fall further behind.

It exactly like the federal or provincial debt.  It will NEVER be paid off.  Governments can’t even run a balanced budget.  THAT is not possible. It never will be possible because too many organizations, municipalities and government programs are always asking for more money. More money going out than coming in.  More takers than givers.

Mask photo. Technically this is not classified as a mask. It is a KN95 mask that falls under the classification of “respirator” as does the N95 mask.

Last snow sculpture standing. Skull Mountain.

If you want to reminisce about the snow sculptures during better times click here.

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