Thunder Bay – Friday

All this work of crushing the concrete remains of Pool 6 (cleaning the site up) could have been done anytime over the last 20 years.  It could have been done over the past winter.  This work is not temperature sensitive.  Lots of time to get the work done.  But nooooo. All this work is being done JUST BEFORE the scheduled arrival of the first cruise ship.  Rush, rush rush.  Not much time.  Lots of pressure.  Has to be done in the next 3 weeks.

Why? Well, its all about money. Our high salaried residents of City Hall will not do anything without senior levels of government coughing up some cash. No federal of provincial cash, no work on our waterfront.

TbayTel is giving the City of Thunder Bay over $20 million this year.  Free money. Tbaytel gives the City of Thunder Bay a big pile of cash every year.  Somewhere between $200 million and $300 million since the dividend program began.  What has all that money bought the people of Thunder Bay?  How has it made your life in this city more enjoyable.  What public facilities has that money bought?  What recreation facilities?  What?  Name one.

A poor dog is missing its ball.

Trash in context

Common Grackle looking for food

The bird always looks sooo serious.  The original Angry Bird.

Sorry. The crows got that peanut first.

First thought this was snow. Turns out, it was a large sheet of plastic.  Where it came from is anyone’s guess.

Roses are starting to wake up.

Female (I am assuming it identifies as female. I could be wrong)  Goldeneye.

Trash in context. An escapee from the CJ compound?

Snow sculptures. Down to two. Skull Mountain

Apotheosis in Crystal

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