Who decides what is ‘misinformation’? Seriously. Who decides what I can or cannot read?
Over the past two years, you have seen many of the so called ‘misinformation’ about ‘vaccines’ and ‘health measure’ turn out to be true or at least worthy of further investigation.
I don’t agree 100% of what any media says. However, I want to have access to opposing views on ALL subjects including public health and foreign policy. This includes what is happening in Ukraine.
The fact that Trudeau has bought 1500 Canadian media outlets with taxpayer dollars should be worrying to everyone. The fact that funding can be cut off and access limited to media that Trudeau does not like is the sure sign of a dictator. They all do it. Control information and you control the people. Its that simple.
You might like Rebel Media. You might not like Fox News but I for one am glad that those organizations exist. We need diversity in all things. Including information. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.
How many people actually watch Rebel News anyway? Are they that much of a threat to Canadians? I bet most if not all of you never watch Rebel News.
Adults are capable of forming their own opinions. Research has become easy. Its all on the ‘web’. You just have to find it. Don’t believe ANYTHING you read, see or hear in or on ANY media source.
PS: Zelensky, President of Ukraine, banned opposition tv stations because they were ‘pro -Russian’. Also, all political parties that he considered ‘pro-Russian were also banned. Were they or were they too critical of the president? What is the saying? Never let a crisis go to waste? Use the Russian invasion to eliminate all opposition in the media and government? Ahhh..democracy at work.
Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says
Canada’s public health agency admits it tracked 33 million mobile devices during lockdown
Canada is doing the same thing with social media. Control and regulate.
NOTE: Australians and British have a different idea of what words are considered ‘foul language’. There are words that you might consider ‘foul’. If that kind of speech bothers you, then skip the video.