Thunder Bay – Friday

All this work of crushing the concrete remains of Pool 6 (cleaning the site up) could have been done anytime over the last 20 years.  It could have been done over the past winter.  This work is not temperature sensitive.  Lots of time to get the work done.  But nooooo. All this work is being … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Ice patterns. Not many left. Common Grackle Yellow bagger was here.  Even in a park. MV Harvest Spirit Hooded Merganser Not sure this tree has a future.  I don’t know if there should be this much brown on what I would think was an evergreen type of tree. People have started to use this as … Read more

The World – White Helmets Arrive in Ukraine?

Wherever the White Helmets go,  trouble follows.  If the White Helmets arrival in Ukraine is true, then expect some media fuckery to take place soon.   Fake gas attack?  Fake bombing?   Lots of victim video getting lots of airplay on western mainstream media.  Outrage by the US and its NATO acolytes. Another step closer to WW3. … Read more

The World – More Pfizer Stuff

Some interesting info here.  The company’s report to the US Securities and Exchange Commission says a lot about who really matters to Pfizer.  Hint: It isn’t the people who are getting injected with their vaccine.

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Seeing the sun makes me nervous. Last time, it snowed the next day. Thought I would have some fun with this. Finnish Labour Temple historical display at the Finnish Book Store at the corner of Bay and Algoma Streets. This looks like something more than random graffiti.  This was a lot of work. Anyone missing … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

My idea of hell is a world where it snows then melts then snows then melts then snows then melts then snows then melts then…. How many water discarded water bottles do I see every day? Dozens. Looking for colour in a dull overcast, grey, depressing, still snow covered world. I am interested to see … Read more