The World – US Imports 650,000 Barrels Of Russian Oil A Day…Right Now

Psaki pressed on whether US financing Putin’s war by buying Russian oil Psaki fields questions on importing Russian oil, more sanction White House press secretary Jen Psaki spoke to reporters Thursday about the ongoing energy crisis exacerbated by the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Asked about U.S. sanctions on Russian oil, and the possible financial support … Read more

The World – The Ukraine Invasion. The Solution.

What’s the way out of the conflict in Ukraine? Yanis Varoufakis spoke to Brand about some of the potential solutions. Also, the world needs to treat ALL invasions/attack of a sovereign country by another sovereign country with equal distain. The Ukrainian people have a right to live peaceful safe lives. So do the Yemenis, the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Did not want to walk the two blocks back to the store. Just dump it here. Someone will pick it up. They always do. Only fools park their cars in driveways.  Park on the street, never have to shovel snow again.  No matter how much it snows or how large snowbanks graders produce, you can … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Nothing left except for some sections of basement walls. I am not happy about this at all. How long before this is torn down?  Its been closed for…must be closing in on 20 years? Managed to find some colour. It was not easy. Waterfront today. There was nothing to see out towards the lake. Just … Read more