The World – Sunday

There was some blue sky in early Actual Creative ‘ Yup, I am still in Thunder Bay.  If I ever wonder if I am still in Thunder Bay, all I have to do is take a walk in either of our downtown cores. Not Russian. Its OK to drink this. Snow sculptures today. Overcast. Skull … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Trash in context Finnish Labour Temple today. Putting straw down.  Must have something to do with frost control Lots of colour here Trash in context Mask photo. Should be seeing lots of these as the snow recedes Took my fisheye out for a spin Snow sculptures today. Slow melt. Skull Mountain Henrietta the Hermit Crab … Read more

Canada – Trudeau Is A Global Hypocritical Joke

Justin Trudeau is a laughing stock around the world.  When it comes to promoting democracy, he should keep his mouth shut. He lost all credibility on that topic when he crushed the peaceful protestors in Ottawa using draconian methods only dreamed of by the world’s tyrants. The only reason that Justin is invited to take … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

There was some colour this morning, when the sun managed to breakthrough. I can tell you that these lights installed over 10 years ago as part of the $70 million PLUS  Phase 1 of Prince Arthur’s Landing waterfront development.  They have been a maintenance problem.  But on the positive side, spiders love them. They are … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

I guess all that is left is to fill the hole to the top and then there will nothing left to remind anyone that the Finnish Labour Temple existed.   I know I have taken photos of these scenes many times before but I keep trying to get a better photo. Practice is what its … Read more