Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Amazing what buried treasures spring will uncover Site of a Greek wedding?   The life of a Thunder Bay pedestrian just goy worse. Sidewalks glare ice.  Trying to dodge splash waves caused by vehicles driving through lake sized puddles/ I remember when the rainbow was just a rainbow.  In the movie Wizard of Oz, Dorothy … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Pi Day

    Took the fisheye lens out today Could have taken the trash with them when they left. Had to walk past trash cans on the way out.  That is the kind of people we have living in this city.   Trash in context Snow sculptures today. Warmer weather in the forecast should speed up … Read more

The World – Taibbi: Orwell Was Right

Taibbi: Orwell Was Right Authored by Matt Taibbi via TK News, This weekend I re-read 1984, a book I tend to reach for when I get Defcon-1 depressed about the state of the world. Deep in the novel, Winston ponders the intricacies of doublethink: To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while … Read more