Thunder Bay – Friday

OPP getting ready to practice water rescue in ice covered water Artist Handicraft work. Someone was taking in the lake view while downing a couple of hard ice tea. Not sure what we have here.  A transitioning snowperson?  Has a smile on its face anyway. Snow sculptures today. Here you can see Skull Mountain, Henrietta … Read more

The World – What Is A Woman?

Believe the science?  Apparently not when it comes to gender. Science is pretty clear about this.  Genes and anatomy and all. Believe all “women”?   Remember that?  How can you believe all “women” if  there is no definition of a “woman”? Pay equity?  “Women” earn less than men?  How can you tell if a woman cannot … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trying to make a snowbank interesting Supposed to be heading out this weekend. Snow sculptures today. I had to take the photos from spots partway up giant snowbanks. There was no way I was going to climb over them. Skull Mountain Henrietta the Hermit Crab Toad   Alice in wonderland Thank You Apotheosis in Crystal

Ontario – What Anti-Racism Bill 67 Really Means

Racial equity versus racial equality.  Is there a difference?  Yes.  The problem is that Bill 67 is vague and allows for discrimination against Caucasians.  THAT is the difference between Equality  and Equity. This is what you are seeing taking place in the US under the moniker of Critical Race Theory. Nobody seems to care.  Ontario … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Mask photo Looking for colour wherever I can find it Nice colour out there Still not sure what is going on here Step on a crack, break your mother’s back The icebreaker is supposed to show up today Remnants of the last ice sculpture from Snow Day Dark patterns starting to show up on the … Read more

The World – International Law Is A Meaningless Concept When It only Applies To US Enemies

International Law Is A Meaningless Concept When It Only Applies To US Enemies Caitlin Johnstone Mar 16 Australian whistleblower David McBride just made the following statement on Twitter: “I’ve been asked if I think the invasion of Ukraine is illegal. My answer is: If we don’t hold our own leaders to account, we can’t hold other … Read more

Thunder Bay – Maskless Monday

Went grocery shopping this morning without wearing a mask. Its about time. Still trying to take a decent photo here. I am sure there is one.  There was a halo around the sun.  I took quite a few shots of that as you can see later on. Someone hangs around here? Raven nesting on top … Read more

The World – Waltzing To Armageddon

Chris Hedges: Waltzing to Armageddon The Dr. Strangeloves, like zombies rising from the mass graves they created around the globe, are once again stoking new campaigns of industrial mass slaughter. Bus burning on a road from Kharkiv to Kiev as Russia invades Ukraine on Feb. 24. (Yan Boechat/VOA) By Chris Hedges The Cold War, from 1945 … Read more