The World – US Does Not Want Ukrainian Conflict to End

The US wants to keep the war in Ukraine going for as long as possible. They want to cause as much pain to Russia as possible for as long as possible and they don’t care how many Ukrainians die or how bad the people of Ukraine suffer.  Its not about the people of Ukraine. It never was. It is about hurting Russia.  Turning Ukraine into another Afghanistan.

Supply the Ukrainians with as many weapons as they can to cause so much pain to the Russians that the Russians eventually will turn tail and run. Just like Afghanistan, the US does not care how many Ukrainians die, how many Ukrainians are displaced or how many Ukrainian towns and villages are destroyed.  It does not matter how much Ukrainian infrastructure is destroyed. As long as the Russians bleed out.

Until Ukraine understands that they are being used as cannon fodder and will likely be abandoned once this thing is over with, this will continue. Russia is not going to quit and they do not intend to lose. I think they have been preparing for this and all of the sanctions imposed on them and their economy for years.

Unless the US and its western puppets decide to negotiate an end, then things will only get worse.  A lot worse.

Enforce the Minsk agreement and declare Ukraine neutral.  Its that easy.

What I do not understand is what business the US has making decisions for Europe.  I would think that this would be something that should be left up to the other countries of Europe. Maybe its time those European counties grew a backbone and told the US to mind its own business.

Its time NATO goes the way of the Dodo bird.

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