The World – Biden Bans Russian Oil

Its official. The whole world has gone mad.  Certifiably insane.  Off the deep end.

This is not going to end well at all.  Not for anyone.

Its like the US and its allies are cutting their noses off to spite their faces.  Inflation bad today?  Bad back in 1981?   You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Then there is the distinct possibility of nuclear war.  One thing for sure, it will be a short war. Won’t take long at all.

If Biden et al think that cornering a nuclear power into a corner with no way out except for complete surrender is a good thing, they are all idiots.


I’m old.  If the shit hits the fan, so be it.  I guess I will see everyone in hell.

The people I feel sorry for the most are the young people who have might never have the chance to grow old.  Why?

The REALLY sad thing is that people all over the western world are cheering this slow march to Armageddon.  Fools.

Oh well. Don’t be in any hurry to pay your taxes this year.   The whole process might be put on hold…indefinitely.

Seems like nobody wants this to end.

previous related post here


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