Canada – Its Official: They Lied

Of course they lied. Everyone knows they lied. What is astonishing is that  Barry MacKillop, Deputy Director of Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis, said so.

In the words of Barry MacKillop, deputy director of Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center, who spoke before Canada’s House of Commons finance committee on Thursday – the money the organizers managed to raise was not only NOT “cash that funded terrorism or was in any way money laundering” – it was simply a way for people living in what they thought was a democratic country believing was a safe way of expressing their position on an issue. –

article website here

Of course Justin and Crystia are now busy trying to start WW 3. You now, wipe the human race off of the face of the earth and such.

Remember when Canada was into peacekeeping?  Lester Pearson won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957 for organizing the United Nations Emergency Force to resolve the Suez Canal Crisis.

Now Canada is just another lackey country that has its face permanently planted in the crotch of the USofA.  Our country can’ take a shit without the US’s permission. Pretty sad.


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