Thunder Bay – Thursday

Piece of a vacuum cleaner? CCGS Samuel Risley out and about USCGC Neah Bay Another partially consumed soft drink.  Obviously, people in this city have way too much money. Snow sculptures today. Skull Mountain Henrietta the Hermit Crab Toad Alice in Wonderland Thank You Apotheosis in Crystal  

The World – Interview With George Gammon About Where Everything You see Going On Is Headed

Great discussion on how everything going on in the world right now is tied together. Club of Rome, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, Climate Change, population control, global currency, mass censorship, the war in Ukraine, food supply, global resources… there is much happening and it all affects you.  Nobody seems to care. We have become totally … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mask photo Still there A new ship in town. MV Captain Henry Jackman Trash in context Trash in context Snow sculpture today. Skull Mountain Henrietta the Hermit Crab Toad Alice in Wonderland Thank You Apotheosis in Crystal

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

I wonder how much longer am I going to see perfectly edible discarded food considering that the prices are going up with possible shortages being forecast by our elected officials. Spent a while trying to figure out what piece of clothing this is. I know I have photographed these carts before.  I consider this a … Read more

The World – Did Russia Just Break The Back Of The West?

Did Russia Just Break The Back Of The West? I don’t think everyone has yet caught the significance of Russia announcing they are putting a floor under the price of gold.   But, to be clear, Russia just broke the paper gold suppression scheme. On Friday the Bank of Russia announced: BREAKING NEWS: THE RUSSIAN CENTRAL BANK … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

I replaced the sky to make it more interesting     Snow sculptures today.  Skull Mountain Henrietta the Hermit Crab with Skull Mountain in the background Toad Alice in Wonderland Thank You with Apotheosis in Crystal in background Thank You with Alice in Wonderland in background Apotheosis in Crystal Apotheosis in Crystal with Thank You … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

What happened to spring?   Somehow we have travelled back to mid January. Trash in context. A yellow bagger was here. Mask photo.  There must be hundreds of them laying around the north core alone. Coyote The CCGS Samuel Risely Still therr What does it look like being in the centre of the Marina Park fountain? … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Not great photography weather this morning. Spring has been a disappointment so far. Another buried treasure emerging from the snow. Magic Cones at work. Why are they magic?  Because, at a very reasonable cost,  these cones have the power to eliminate high priced repairs. They can even delay expensive maintenance.  Just place a few  Magic … Read more

The World – Make Nazism Great Again?

Escobar: Make Nazism Great Again? Authored by Pepe Escobar, The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder… All eyes are on Mariupol. As of Wednesday night, over 70% of residential areas were under control of Donetsk and Russian forces, while Russian … Read more