The World – Debunking Ukrainian War Lies

War is always money. One war ends. Afghanistan, another begins in the Ukraine. When that one ends, another will begin somewhere else. Taiwan?

When you read about all of the weapons that NATO countries are sending to the Ukraine, think about all of the money that is going into the pockets of the companies that make those weapons…and the stockholders of those companies.

Don’t believe anything you see in the news from either side of this fight.  Almost all are lies.  Bullshit.

The first casualty of war is truth.

There are no good guys in this fight.  No winners.  Only losers.

PS:  Why is it that the US can invade any country it wants, anytime it wants. Overthrow any government it wants, anytime it wants.  Cause the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children and no country speaks up?  No penalties.  No sanctions.  No punishment. Why is that?

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