Canada – Canada Is Now A Fascist State

I’m starting to think that the financial controls (Freeland calls them tools) that the invocation of the Emergencies Act allowed the government to use and now want to make permanent was the REAL reason for Trudeau’s folly.

The Ottawa protests were the excuse that the government needed to impose those Draconian edicts.

The Emergencies Act was revoked so quickly, before its use was ratified by the Senate.  However, the financial restrictions were used immediately, a week BEFORE Parliamentary debate and ratification.

Now the Liberals want to make those financial restrictions permanent.   Why?  Protests.  Protestors cannot be allowed to protest, unless its a government sanctioned protest that is.

You can protest as long as you don’t cause any problems for the public, businesses or the government.   Hurrah!  That is the new true north strong and free.   You are free if you behave, do as you are told and keep your mouth shut.

previous related posts here

Below are some members of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum.  Notice that Mark Carney is there. Also you might notice Chrystia Freeland is also there.

Is Chrystia Freeland the person that is REALLY running this country?   Hmmm…..


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