Canada – Liberal MP Rebukes His Own Political Party Over Covid-19 Pandemic Restrictions

MP Joel Lightbound has a lot of guts.   He just may restore some faith in our government.

He speaks the truth here.

Full video below.

The beginning of the video is him covering his ass parroting the party message as to the protestors in Ottawa.  I imagine he had to say that in order not to get kicked out of the caucus.

Yes. Everyone wants the protestors to go home. I am sure most protestors would love to go home. However, if the protestors go home, then people such as Mr. Lightbound would not be speaking up.  Nothing will change.

Politicians of all level of governments in Ottawa would LOVE for everything to get back to ‘normal’.   However, people are tired of the present ‘normal’.  They want to go back to the old ‘normal’ sooner than later.  Government must explain why a highly ‘vaccinated’ population such as Canada’s cannot drop ALL COVID restrictions, as many countries in the world have already done, many with a lower ‘vaccination’ rate that Canada’s. What is different here?

Yeas. Protests cause inconvenience, That is the purpose of protests.  They are not meant to be convenient. By staying put, the protestors keep the pressure on.  The eyes of the world stay on Ottawa. That is also the purpose of political protests.  Making governments uncomfortable.

previous related post here

The media fallout to above statement  below:

Liberal MP breaks ranks over pandemic policies

The Joël Lightbound crisis in the Liberal Party

Now this is going on.  Ottawa is losing control.

Finland truck protest taking place here

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