Canada – MP Marcus Powlowski Makes Serious Accusations About Ottawa Protestors But Is Short On Actual Facts. Local Media Eats It Up Anyway

Liberal MP Marcus Powlowski says Ottawa protesters ‘don’t inspire dialogue’

MP Marcus Powlowski returned to Parliament Hill on Monday for the first time since protesters from across the country jammed the centre of the capital with trucks to vent their anger over COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

“It  feels a bit like a war zone,” the Liberal member for Thunder Bay-Rainy River said.

Powlowski’s taxi could only take him within several blocks of Parliament, so he had to walk the rest of the way.

“All the roads are blockaded off, mostly with truckers, sometimes by police cars,” he said. “The place has kind of gone to hell the last couple of weeks. It seems to be run by a mob of not particularly nice people.”

Powlowski said he’s heard of people wearing masks getting stopped by aggressive protesters who try to intimidate them.

He said he feels sorry for the people of Ottawa and the police for having to put up with this.

In an interview, the Liberal MP was asked about Prime Minister Trudeau’s refusal to meet with the protesters.

“It’s not like the Prime Minister hasn’t spoken to people who are opposed to vaccine mandates. We all have in our everyday life… He, probably a lot more than me, has spoken to more people who disagree with his opinion.  that’s new.”

Powlowski said his response to critics who suggest ‘Go talk to these people’ is that the protesters wouldn’t likely be willing to listen to anything, and that a meeting would quickly escalate to anger-fuelled shouting.

“It really has been a mob mentality. Perhaps you’re dignifying them more than you ought to by recognizing them as being worth talking to.”

He said the protesters are openly confrontational and verbally aggressive.

“It’s not like they inspire dialogue. People have a right to protest, but it would seem what’s happening here has gone beyond a protest.”

Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on Monday called for an emergency debate in the House of Commons, calling the demonstration a direct threat to Canadian democracy and alleging foreign interference.

Singh accused the government of showing no leadership on the issue.

But Powlowski believes a debate will accomplish little except to provide a showcase for politicians to get themselves on the news.

He currently plans to be in Ottawa for the duration of the week, but that could change, he said, because some MPs are uncomfortable being in the capital at this time.

“If that’s the case and they need people to be here, I might stay for longer to take somebody else’s spot. It’s a hybrid Parliament, so we’re supposed to be here half the time and not here half the time.”

Powlowski said it’s his job to be in the capital.

“People protest, and you have to deal with protesters. That’s part of being an elected politician, and I’m not running away from it.”

The MP said it’s “pretty significant” that the protesters have undermined democracy by scaring some MPs away from Parliament.

“We’re elected. No one elected them,” he said. – tbnewswatch

article website here

The article contains no facts at all.  No proof. Just accusations

“All the roads are blockaded off, MOSTLY with truckers, SOMETIMES by police cars,” he said. ”

The place has KIND OF gone to hell the last couple of weeks.

It SEEMS to be run by a mob of not particularly nice people.”

Powlowski said he’s HEARD of people wearing masks

I’m NOT SURE what the protesters are going to tell him

the protesters WOULD’NT LIKELY be willing to listen to anything

a meeting WOULD quickly escalate to anger-fuelled shouting

it WOULD SEEM  what’s happening here has gone beyond a protest

….and Tbnewswatch printed this crap?   All speculation and rumour.  Completely void of facts and specific examples.  Its all weasel words. 

weasel word, or anonymous authority, is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated. Examples include the phrases “some people say”, “most people think”, and “researchers believe.” Using weasel words may allow one to later deny any specific meaning if the statement is challenged, because the statement was never specific in the first place. Weasel words can be a form of tergiversation and may be used in advertising, (popular) science, opinion pieces and political statements to mislead or disguise a biased view. – wikipedia

“It  feels a bit like a war zone,” the Liberal member for Thunder Bay-Rainy River said.

Has Mr. Powlowski ever been to Thunder Bay’s south downtown core?  Its in his riding.  That place looks like a war zone EVERYDAY!

“It really has been a mob mentality. Perhaps you’re dignifying them more than you ought to by recognizing them as being worth talking to.”

Seriously? Mob?  I watch the news coverage, even the biased mainstream media.  All of it. From all over the world.  I have seen no sign of a mob or mob mentality at all. They look like ordinary people to me.  Mob?  Come on now. THAT is a stretch beyond credibility.  Making accusations without any evidence whatsoever?

“People protest, and you have to deal with protesters. That’s part of being an elected politician, and I’m not running away from it.”

The MP said it’s “pretty significant” that the protesters have undermined democracy by scaring some MPs away from Parliament.

Do you honestly believe anyone one of those protestors even knows who you are?  I bet you could walk right through them without an issue.

Seems like Mr. Powlowski, a man that I thought might be a more reasonable politician than the others, turns out to be just like the others. Once elected, they could care less about what the people, the voters. you know, your bosses.

Are politicians afraid?  They should be afraid.  They should always fear the electorate. That is how democracy works.  The origin of the word means people rule. Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία, dēmokratiā, from dēmos ‘people’ and kratos ‘rule’). PEOPLE RULE. Politicians serve at the pleasure of the voters.  Politicians have forgotten that.

“We’re elected. No one elected them,” he said.

Ahhhh…there we hear it. The truth. Its their country now so you can all go fuck yourselves. Spoken like a true politician….and lawyer for that matter.

Canadian politicians are not used to having a large chunk of the population stand up for what few rights they have left.

previous related post here, here, here, here, here,

Below is a video taken by podcaster Viva Fei walking around the protest area (Powlowsi’s war zone) speaking with people (who obviously fear for their lives).  You can easily see that all the media reports and Powlowski’s pack of lies are not true.  No mobs. No mob mentality. No protestors in screaming in people’s faces.

the following video was being recorded live as I post this

Do not believe anything you are reading or seeing in mainstream media. Do not believe anything you here from politicians whether municipal, provincial or federal.  Its all peaceful.  No violence.

other protests taking place around the world

This why politicians all over the world are nervous. This is spreading. People are fed up.

The following is a video by the members of Powlowski’s violent mob expressing concern that the police are about to move on the protestors soon..

I am sure that this group has Powlowski  crapping his pants in fear. Scary bunch.


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