The World – Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That ‘Unfavourable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Business

Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Business

Two weeks ago, the FDA begged a Texas judge to delay production on the first monthly batch of 55,000 pages of Covid-19 vaccine data submitted to the agency by Pfizer. Originally, the agency was set to produce just 500 pages-per-month.

Now, Pfizer – which just forecast $54 billion in Covid-related sales in 2022, appears to be anticipating some bad newsas evidenced by several redline changes in their Q4 earnings releases.

As Rubicon Capital’s Kelly Brown notes on Twitter, the changes center around disclosures of unfavorable safety data.

For example, in Q4 they added: “or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection.”

More from Brown, who notes that Pfizer is now highlighting “concerns about clinical data integrity…”

What’s behind the curtain, Pfizer? – zerohedge,com

article website here

Interesting. This could be very explosive considering all of the people that have been injected with the Pfizer ‘vaccine’. Now, children as low as 6 months may be injected.

They are hiding something.  It would be ironic if the ‘antivaxxers’ were right all along.

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Trash in context. Almost a full bottle of Pepsi Looks like handmade.  Hopefully whoever takes this will appreciate the gift.  Somehow, I doubt that will happen. Voici un ballon Voici un ballon bleu Getting ready for the snow sculptures Free toque. Might be infected with various cooties Trash in context

Canada – MP Marcus Powlowski Makes Serious Accusations About Ottawa Protestors But Is Short On Actual Facts. Local Media Eats It Up Anyway

Liberal MP Marcus Powlowski says Ottawa protesters ‘don’t inspire dialogue’ MP Marcus Powlowski returned to Parliament Hill on Monday for the first time since protesters from across the country jammed the centre of the capital with trucks to vent their anger over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. “It  feels a bit like a war zone,” the Liberal member … Read more