Thunder Bay – Sunday

You see. If the sidewalk is located next to the street without any obstacles such as hydrants and utility poles, the grader can plow both street and sidewalk at the same time.  Maybe not in every area of the city but there has to be some areas where this could be possible. Something that our … Read more

The World – Pick And Choose Which Science You Want To Believe

I have always believed in people making having the right to choose what goes into their own body.   That includes food as well as ‘vaccines’. GMOs. Remember that?  Monsanto?  Science screwing with the food supply?  For some reason, many people don’t like the consume genetically modified food products.  Remember the term Frankenfood? Not trust the … Read more

Canada – Is Justin Trudeau A Coward For Hiding During Freedom Convoy Protest?

Is Justin a coward?  The answer is yes. I always hear from people that there are consequences of your actions that you have to face.  There are responsibilities. If you want to screw with people’s lives, screw with their livelihoods,  I feel you owe them an explanation.  I also feel that, being an elected official … Read more