If it were Black Lives Matter or LGBTt2TQQIAA+ or Indigenous People then Trudeau would be out there on his knees apologizing for whatever they want him to apologize for. But not this protest. Why not? Because they are not respecting his authority. They are not respecting his belief that he has the right to control every aspect of their lives including what gets injected into their bodies.
Trudeau: Ottawa residents need their ‘lives back,’ won’t commit to negotiate with truckers
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the people living in Ottawa deserve to get their lives back, as the so-called “freedom convoy” continues to occupy downtown streets — but he won’t say whether he’s willing to negotiate with the group leading the demonstration.
Trudeau made the comment during a Thursday press conference, as questions arise about what’s next for the protest.
“This is protesting people going about their daily lives, harassing people who dare wear masks or follow public health rules. Expressing hateful approaches, showing hateful symbols of genocide, of racism. These are things that are absolutely unacceptable,” Trudeau said.
“And the people of Ottawa deserve to have their lives back, deserve to have their neighbourhoods back.”The protest initially sprung up in response to a federal rule that all Canadian truckers seeking to cross the border from the United States would need to be vaccinated in order to avoid a 14-day quarantine. That mandate went into effect on Jan. 15 — and the United States’ own vaccine mandate for truckers was imposed a week later.
But as the trucks rolled towards Ottawa, their message became increasingly muddied. Organizers were found to have made hateful comments and one had ties to a hate group. Some participants extended the goal to an end to all public health mandates. Some have called for Trudeau to resign.
Since the convoy arrived in Ottawa last weekend, some participants have also been accused of harassing residents, bothering Ottawa businesses, and displaying Nazi and Confederate flags.When pressed on whether he planned to negotiate with these protesters, Trudeau wouldn’t provide a definitive answer — but he did say the idea of bringing in “an alternative government,” which the group Canada Unity suggested in a petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures, is a “nonstarter.”
“The commitment that we made as a government, if we got re-elected, is we would stand by science,” he added.
“We would continue to do what it takes to protect people through this pandemic.”Meanwhile, as the protesters continue to blockade downtown city streets, Ottawa police Chief Peter Sloly said Wednesday in a briefing with city council that the prospect of asking for support from the military is not off the table.
“We’re looking at every single option, including military aid to civil power. I’ve had those discussions with mayor, council members, the board. There is a process extremely well established, extremely well covered, and extremely rare,” he said.
Trucker protests: Solution to ending supply chain issue starts with COVID-19 vaccinations, says TrudeauTrudeau, however, said sending in the Armed Forces is “not in the cards right now.”
“One has to be very, very cautious before deploying military in that situation,” he said.
With a pathway forward unclear, Trudeau said his concern remains focused on one group: the citizens of Ottawa.
“We are there to provide support as necessary with the RCMP, with intelligence services,” he said.
“We know that the people of Ottawa deserve to have their lives back.” – Global News
article website here
Imagine that! Pretty sure protests against government policies are not supposed to be convenient for politicians. THAT is how protests work. Its the only weapon citizens have to fight against what they believe to be government overreach. Sadly, innocent people and businesses will suffer. Unseen consequences. Something Trudeau had not counted on.
With the whole world slowly removing ALL COVID restrictions, is this really a hill that Trudeau wants to die on? Unfortunately for him, he has painted himself into a corner. If he gives in to the protestors, that will only encourage future such protests. He can’t have that. Sooo, he really can’t lift the ‘vaccination’ mandate for cross-border truckers even if he wants to. He is screwed.
If Justin calls in the police, exactly how will they remove over one large hundred trucks? If the streets are blocked, its almost impossible. Not much they can do. The numbers are just too big. Tear gas? Ha.
I would love to see Trudeau call in the military. That would look really good for Trudeau and Canada on the world stage.
Up to now, all the individuals that have had their jobs and livelihoods affected by Ford and Trudeau’s mandates have had no place to show their unhappiness. Because of the Truck Convoy, that has now changed. People have a place to show their displeasure. Stand up and say that they are not going to take it anymore. They will not comply.
I see many people believe that all of these people protesting are refusing to be ‘vaccinated’. That is not true. Many are fully ‘vaccinated’. They just do not believe in forcing people to be injected with a ‘vaccine’ that is still not fully approved. A ‘vaccine’ that has only a year of history. Is it REALLY safe? Nobody knows for sure. THAT is not misinformation. THAT is a fact.
Ford does not want this kind of thing to spread to Toronto and Queen’s Park. I am sure he is crapping his pants right now.
The positive thing that will come out of this no matter how it ends is that politicians will think twice before introducing mandates. A positive thing that came out of this whole ‘pandemic’ is that the real power in this country is held, not by government but by people working on the supply chain. The invisible workers that nobody even notices them until they are gone.
PS: Looks like the government and their mainstream media lapdog’s plan to smear the protestors has not worked. The protest is only growing. In fact, protests are growing all around the world. I love it.