The World – As Leaders Panic, COVID Narrative Falls Apart

Russel does make a good point. Has the pandemic been used by governments to boost their popularity?  Has the pandemic been used to distract voters from government misdeeds? With a provincial election coming this year and Doug Ford’s popularity being on the low side, was lifting pandemic restrictions a method of boosting his chances of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Not quite full but close. Kelly’s finest rotgut wine is still on the scene. Some morning colour today.  Cold out. Looks nice in black and white Still clearing the trails in Marina Park Need to bring in the blower attachment. A plow just won’t cut it. Could be a desert. Looks cold. I am sure … Read more

The World – England Ends All COVID Passports, Masks Mandates, Work Restrictions

England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home requirements will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday. Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic. Effective … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Maltesers trash in context. Trash in context Balloon Trash in context Someone shoplifted a pack of zucchinis?  What the hell were they thinking?  Seriously. Another mask that we won’t see again until spring.

Thunder Bay – Monday

Yup. Its a frying pan.  I am sure there is a story behind this. Can’t figure out what it says The shoe has moved.  How do you not notice that your left shoe is missing? Mask photo. Mask with a view. They’re back!  No way am I walking through that overpass. Yellow baggers were here. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

I think the sign has passed its best before date.  Time to remove it.   If it is still required, although I don’t see why, clear the snow off of it. Time to remove these. I replaced the sky.  Just having some fun. PPE showing up everywhere.  Wait until spring.  The stuff will be everywhere. A … Read more