Canada – Trudeau’s Dislike For The Clause Allowing Override Of The Charter Of Rights.

Justin Trudeau shares father’s dislike of clause allowing override of charter rights Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shares his late father’s disdain for the constitutional “notwithstanding clause” and he’s not ruling out asking the Supreme Court to weigh in on Quebec’s pre-emptive use of it to trample the rights of religious minorities. In a year-end interview … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Turns out that there were more pumpkins buried in the snow. Looking for colour Construction sign still there. See you next spring. Much of the ice is gone Mask photo Its closed Why drink only half of the bottle? Someone raided the dumpster at the Shorline Motor Hotel Before After. I removed the giant public … Read more

Ontario – ‘Circuit Breaker’ Measures Needed To Prevent Omicon From Overwhelming ICU’s Science Table Says

‘Circuit breaker’ measures needed to prevent Omicron from overwhelming ICUs, science table says Ontario’s COVID-19 science table on Thursday called for immediate and stringent public health measures to combat a growing surge of the Omicron variant that could see ICU admissions reach “unsustainable levels” early next year. The group’s latest modelling suggests that without “circuit breaker” … Read more

The World – When Politics And Public Health Cross Paths Plus Coronavirus Attacks Fat Cells

In the US, companies are dropping mandated vaccination requirement. Why?  Because too many workers are refusing to get ‘vaccinated’ or show proof of ‘vaccination’.  Either way, companies facing worker shortages have decided to forgo mandated ‘vaccination’.  Most likely using a testing schedule instead. Americans are not afraid of losing their jobs over something as important … Read more

The World – For Those Who Still Care

Another Study Finds That Natural Immunity Protects Better Against Infection Than Pfizer Vaccine For some reason, natural immunity has been given the cold shoulder by the government and its health ‘experts’ all along.  Why?  No profit in natural immunity. Hospitalizations, Mortality Cut In Half After Brazilian City Offered Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine The same goes … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mask photo. Still dark even though the sun was rising up in the sky above all of the clouds. Ten days until Christmas.  Traffic lights looking festive. Things you find under a bench Chunk of lake ice I am no expert on these things but I am pretty sure that is not right.  Hard to … Read more