Thunder Bay – Monday

Pretty crappy photography day today.  I went out anyway, for the exercise and maybe something might turn up. Wind and snow picks up I am not alone. There is at least one more idiot walking in Marina Park this morning. Fountain pond rink not very crowded Then there is the ice Lots of blowing snow … Read more

Canada – Health Workers Allowed To Stay On Job Even If They Test Positive For COVID-19. Why? Because There Are Not Enough Of Them.

Quebec health unions decry plan to allow COVID-positive health-care workers to stay on the job I’m hearing that many hospital workers recently suspended for refusing to get vaccinated are being asked to return to work because of a staff shortage. Now, because they are needed, all of a sudden hospitals are agreeing to testing instead … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – Christmas Day

Can’t stop photographing this Remember this sign?  It belongs to a contractor that did some excavation work around the front of the building at the end of last month.  The sign was left and became buried under a snow bank.  Then a grader uncovered it.   I photographed it on Wednesday. The next day, the Finnish … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday – Christmas Eve

The action has settled down so photos are a little easier to get.  Early morning. Still lots of investigation to go Stopped on the way home and took a few more photos in daylight I like those lines Tug MV Teglutsa Discarded food items. English cucumber?  

The World – “No Country Can Boost Its Way Out”

“No Country Can Boost Its Way Out” – WHO Warns Biden Plan Could “Prolong” Pandemic As President Biden once again pushes booster doses on the population with his latest winter plan, the WHO is once again pushing back against this zealousness for vaccines and booster shots by declaring that booster shots shouldn’t be prioritized by … Read more

The World – Australian Protocol

Australia gets it. When will Doug Ford? Amazing how Australia went from being one of the most tyrannical  COVID regimes in the world  to being one of the most reasonable in a matter of weeks. Treating adults like adults.  What a novel idea. Will the Australian states get on board? I wonder if that thinking … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Snow clearing operation has exposed the construction sign. Good time to pick it up.  Will that happen?  I doubt it. Crisp out this morning. City crews clear snow from sidewalk, city crews throw snow back onto sidewalk from street, city crews then return to clear snow from sidewalk.  In the meantime. pedestrians have a tough … Read more