Thunder Bay – Thursday

The life of the Thunder Bay pedestrian is hard.  Even when the sidewalk gets cleared of snow, its not cleared of snow.  You can only pile snow so high on that narrow space between the sidewalk and the street. The snow simply slides back onto the sidewalk.  Extremely poor street design.  Nobody takes snow removal in account when designing city streets.

Where exactly does that snow go?  The boulevard is only a little over a metre wide.

Then you get the plow jockies clearing parking lots that end up blocking a previously cleared sidewalk.  This is the Water Street Fire Station. A serial offender when blocking sidewalks is concerned.

Funny what you find in a pile of snow.

Another plow jockie clearing a parking lot.

Invisible?  Sooo the package could be empty?  The contents being invisible and all.  How do you know you are even getting any on your skin?   Its invisible.

Tug MV Glenada

Still think this would make a great AirBnB

Hard to believe it was pouring rain only a week ago

Trash in context


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