Thunder Bay – Saturday – Christmas Day

Can’t stop photographing this

Remember this sign?  It belongs to a contractor that did some excavation work around the front of the building at the end of last month.  The sign was left and became buried under a snow bank.  Then a grader uncovered it.   I photographed it on Wednesday. The next day, the Finnish Labour Temple burned down. Now they are using that sign as part of the cleanup operation.  Is this why the sign was not removed a month ago?   Did someone know that it would be needed later on in December?  Coincidence?


CCGS Samuel Risley

Looks like a dog got to this before me.  At least I am assuming it was a dog. This IS Thunder Bay after all.

Dramatic profile photo

A full dip tray

Full container of cookies

Santa looks like he has had too much eggnog.

That sneaky Grinch is up to no good!


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