Thunder Bay – Saturday

One thing about Christmas is that the city’s street trash has festive colours and designs.

Mask photo

Mask photo

Mask photo

Mask photo

Another mask photo

7 cents a bottle

A murder of crows?  They were all looking at me trying to figure out what I was doing. They were also very quiet.


The life of a pedestrian in Thunder Bay. Sidewalk plow clears the sidewalk, street plow throws more back.

and after you trudge through that snow you come across this.  A mountain of snow blocking your exit.  Hurrah!

and then, after all that, you come across a blockade created by a parking lot clearing operation. This is the Fire Station at the corner of Water and Pear Streets. It looks like this after EVERY time it snows.

Once again, a parking lot clearing operation blocks a sidewalk.  This area has had snow every winter for like….ever.  Why is it that our ability to clear snow from streets and sidewalks has not advanced sine the late 1800s?

MV Federal Ruhr

An interesting cloud formation

Another interesting cloud formation

A crow in one of my photographs. What are the odds?

Not sure what this is all about.  Maybe tents for an arts and crafts market will be set up here?

Trash in context

Next time you see this pumpkin, it will be spring.

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