The World – Trudeau Announces Diplomatic Boycott Of Beijing Olympics

Trudeau announces diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that Canada will launch a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.

No federal government officials will attend the games. Canadian athletes will still be allowed to compete.

The U.S., U.K. and Australia already have announced they won’t send official delegations to the games — a collective attempt to send a message to China that its human rights abuses have not gone unnoticed.

Speaking to reporters on Parliament Hill, Trudeau said the government is “extremely concerned” by the “repeated human rights violations carried out by the Chinese government.” He said Canada will show its displeasure with the communist regime by withholding the delegates that normally would attend high-profile events like the opening and closing ceremonies.

Asked if he was anticipating any blowback from Beijing for snubbing China as it prepares to host the world, Trudeau said “this should not come as a surprise” to the regime.

“For months, we have been coordinating and discussing the issue with our allies,” he said. – CBC News

read full article here

Why not just boycott products manufactured in China?  Canada can stop importing manufactured goods from China.  That will show them.  Of course, Canadian consumers would have nothing to buy. No clothes. No electronics. No appliances. No power tools. No tires for cars.  No  computer chips. No….well everything.

That is why this whole “China is Satan” thing that the US and its lapdogs are trying to push is sooo stupid because the whole world is dependent on China’s manufacturing sector. We wag our fingers at them and say “Bad China!  Ver Bad China!” but send them billions of dollars annually. We have become dependent on them. The recent “pandemic” has shown that. Remember the mask fiasco?

Our high salaried elected officials who are now “punishing” China  are the very people who sent all of those manufacturing jobs to China. It was THEIR idea. Open up our market to cheap products manufactured in low-wage countries.  How was the Canadian worker to compete?

And the Canadian consumer?  They bought the cheapest priced item.  Quality did not matter. Canadian jobs did not matter.  As long as it was cheap.

Everything that we now buy from China used to be made here in Canada by Canadians earning good salaries.  RCA made colour tvs in Barrie Ontario.  Firestone made tires here. All good paying jobs…gone.

That is why Trudeau is a joke.  This diplomatic boycott is a joke.




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