The World – FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years To Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Data. Yes. Seventy-Five Years. The Previous Estimate Was 55 Years.

FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years To Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data

The Food and Drug Administration is asking a judge to give it 75 years to produce data concerning the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, up 20 years from a previous request.

The agency, known as the FDAtold the court it can work faster than its previously proposed 500-pages-per-month-rate. But it also said there are over 59,000 more pages than mentioned in an earlier filing.

That discovery, and a desire to make sure it can work on other Freedom of Information Act requests at the same time, prompted the fresh request to the judge to allow production of roughly 12,000 pages by Jan. 31, 2022, and 500 pages per month thereafter.

That timeline would take it until at least 2096, Aaron Siri, a lawyer working on the case, said in a blog post.

“If you find what you are reading difficult to believe – that is because it is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure,” Siri said.

The case was brought on behalf of the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, which said the FDA was not complying with its request for data in a timely manner.

The group includes Dr. Carole Browner, a research professor at the University of California, Los Angeles’ David Geffen School of Medicine; Peter Doshi, an associate professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Pharmacy, and Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health.

The group says that the data should be made public quickly because the FDA spent just 108 days reviewing it before granting emergency use authorization to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

The matter is more urgent because millions of Americans are being mandated to take the shot or face repercussions, such as a loss of access to businesses and termination.

The Pfizer jab is the only one that has been approved by drug regulators. Approvals mean products have met a higher threshold of safety and effectiveness than those given emergency clearance.

The entire purpose of FOIA is government transparency. In multiple recent cases, in upholding the FOIA’s requirement to ‘make the records promptly available,’ courts have required agencies, including the FDA, to produce 10,000 or more pages per month, and those cases did not involve a request nearly this important–i.e., the data underlying licensure of a liability-free product that the federal government requires nearly all Americans to receive,” Siri said.

“As the present pandemic rages on, independent review of these documents by outside scientists is urgently needed to assist with addressing the shortcomings and issues with the response to the pandemic to date.”

The FDA said its Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research maintains the records sought by the plaintiff but only has 10 staff members, and two of them are new, leaving them slower in processing pages than the other workers.

Each line of each page must be reviewed to ensure proper redactions are applied, the filing says.

Additionally, a faster rate than that requested would divert “significant resources away from the processing of other FOIA requests that are also in litigation,” and requests that came in before the request in question, the agency said, adding, “In sum, FDA’s proposed processing schedule is fair to plaintiff.” – via

article website  here

I conspiracy theorist might think that the FDA and Pfizer were hiding something.  You know, considering everyone alive today is probably going to be dead or near death 75 years from now and all.

Hmmm…I would think that since corporations and governments are mandating proof of ‘vaccination’ in order to have a job, patronize bars, restaurants, theaters, gyms etc. travel and so on, that providing the public with this information as soon as possible would go along way to instill public confidence in the ‘vaccines’, none of which have been approved by the FDA for anything other that Emergency Use)*, and the research and studies that went into their creation.   Trust the science, I am told.  Soo why stall?

The only reason I can think of is that there is something in all of those documents that the FDA and Pfizer do not want the public to see.  THAT is a scary thought. Think about it.  The whole world is injected with this.  What is the worst thing that can happen?  Exactly. That is what I am thinking as well.

*  The FDA has approved Pfizer’s Comirnaty for COVID-19 however, that ‘vaccine’ is not being used yet.  Comirnaty is legally distinct from the EUA version. What that means is anyone’s guess but what I do know is that people injected with Comirnaty can sue Pfizer over serious health effects caused by the ‘vaccine’.  The same is not true for the EUA ‘vaccine’.  Under the EUA deal agreed to by governments, people cannot sue Pfizer or Moderna or Johnson and Johnson for any reason. THAT is why I believe that Cormiraty is waiting in the wings. Legal liability. Sooo, how similar are the two?

Hardly builds public confidence in the product

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