Thunder Bay – Saturday

Boxer shorts? Anyone want this?  Might be sitting there for quite awhile. All the colour there was in the sky this morning. For all of you younger readers, this is a DVD.  It is an example of ancient technology that people used to store information, music and video back in the stone age. Mask photo … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Nice colour in this morning’s sunrise Someone’s collecting driftwood. Are they planning on building another shelter like the one I photographed on October 31? Photographed this one on October 31. Tugs MV Point Valour and MV Glenada Hooded Merganser Some person or some persons quenched some thirst last night Mask photo. I wonder how many … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Some colour in this morning’s sunrise and so the day begins Mask photo Free stuff Salvation Army food truck was here.  You can tell because of all of the trash left behind by their ‘clients’.  Wilson Street Parkette. Mask photo Trash in context

The World – ‘Vaccine’ Passports And Mandates Do Nothing To Keep The ‘Vaccinated’ From Getting Infected By The SARS-2 Virus

If you think that ‘vaccine’ passports and ‘vaccine’ mandates will protect you from getting infected with the SARS-2 virus, you are mistaken.  Everyone in that restaurant, bar, gym or airplane can be infectious and spread the virus.  Everyone in your workplace can spread the virus.  Hospital workers and Long Term Care workers can spread the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Not much colour to start but things picked up Pumpkin Parade? Mask photo Oooooooooooooooooooooooo MV Wigeon Seriously? Yes…this is ice. Mask photo Hooded Merganser Mask photo Trash in context