The World – Why Anti-Vaxxers Are Everywhere

What he said.  Anti-vaxxers?  I like to use the term ‘pro-choice.

Did you know that the definition of anti-vaxxer was changed to include people who are against ‘vaccine’ mandates and ‘vaccine’ passports?  Sooo, people who are fully vaccinated, that do not agree with the draconian measures that governments are using to force the public to do their bidding, are also considered ant-vaxxers?  In other words, the term anti-vaxxer has nothing to do with whether you get the jab or not.  It has now become a term used to describe anyone who does not agree with the government and its tyrannical COVID edicts.  Sounds like something taken right out of Orwell’s book 1984.

Note: Australians swear. Its not a big deal down there just as it is not a big deal in the UK.

Isaac makes really good points and the video is worth a watch.  How much more government tyranny will people accept before they finally say that they have had enough. That they will no longer comply?  That time is near and heaven help any government that wants to lockdown the public and shut down small businesses again.

How many booster shots will people accept?   Three? Four?  Ten?  What, other weapons other than expensive ‘vaccines’ do our elected officials and their health ‘expert’ overlords have to end this ‘pandemic’?  Is it really a ‘pandemic’?

‘Vaccine’ mandates do not work. ‘Vaccine’ passports do not make sense.  At some point, mask will have to become optional.


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