The World -The Real Anthony Fauci

Every so often I put up a Robert Kennedy Jr video to piss off his haters.  The man knows his stuff.

Worth a watch. Fauci, the FDA, the NIH and the CDC are no longer regulatory organizations. They are ‘vaccine ‘ promotion engines.

Forty-five percentage of the FDA’s budge comes from pharmaceutical companies, the National Institute of Health which is the parent organization for Fauci’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases owns thousands of medical patents including half of the patent for the Moderna ‘vaccine’ (making the organization billions of dollars in profits if it was approved…which it was) and the Centre for Disease Control  which is no longer a regulatory agency but has become a ‘vaccine’ promotion agency.

Why does anyone still care what Fauci says. The man is a liar. No argument there. That is a fact. Is he corrupt? You be the judge. Is he involved in funding the Wuhan Lab’s Gain of Function program? Sure seems like it.

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