The World – Is A New “Super Variant” Behind Latest COVID Comeback In UK?

Dr. Gottlieb Warns New “Super Variant” Is Behind Latest COVID Comeback In UK

The UK thought it had COVID mostly licked, but Dr. Scott Gottlieb (former head of the US FDA) warned Monday that a new “super-strain” evolved from the delta variant might be behind a recent upsurge in cases in the UK, just after PM Boris Johnson and his health secretary announced plans to loosen foreign travel restrictions.

On Twitter, Dr. Gottlieb, pointed out that the UK recently recorded its biggest single-day jump in new COVD cases in 3 months. At the same time, Dr. Gottlieb notes, the new variant known as AY.4v with the S:Y145H mutation in the spike has spread quickly and presently comprises 8% of new cases being confirmed in the UK.

The UK reported 57 new deaths on Sunday, along with 45,140 more cases. The fact that this daily tally is the highest in three months is what’s prompting the concerns raised by Dr. Gottlieb.

Dr. Gottlieb, a former head of the FDA who is frequently in the press, said the UK and other countries need to ramp up research on the new variant. Specifically there needs to be more research as to wether the new variant is more transmissible: “We need urgent research to figure out if this delta plus is more transmissible, has partial immune evasion,” he said. “There’s no clear indication that it’s considerably more transmissible, but we should work to more quickly characterize these and other new variants. We have the tools.”

The mutation that Dr. Gottlieb is talking about has been spreading in the UK since about July.

As Dr. Gottlieb explains, this isn’t a call for immediate action or a snap-back to the lockdown days. Instead, there needs to be a “coordinated global” response in terms of  research and other measures to keep an eye out for the next round of variants and “super variants”.

Furthermore: how much longer until Dr. Anthony Fauci declares this new “super variant” an immediate threat. –

article website here

Of course. When you have an imperfect ‘vaccine’ that does not sterilize the virus, a ‘vaccine’ that still allows people to spread the virus, get infected, get sick, a ‘vaccine’ that allows some people to still end up in hospital, then mutations are guaranteed.   That is how viruses work.  Viruses mutate.  Mutations that are successful at defeating the ‘vaccines’ will become the dominant variant.

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