Thunder Bay – Monday


Sunday night sunset

Must have been one hell of a bowel movement.

OK…if the flags on federal buildings are going to be flown at half mast forever, what happens when another ‘fly flags at half mast’ event happens?  What do you do?  Also, does this not cheapen the whole ‘flags at half mast’ thing?  Does it mean anything if flags are always flown at half mast?  Time to raise them back up.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Mask photo

Had to go up to County Fair Plaza.

The encampment.  Notice the tables full of food are now gone.

Another step toward Shitsville status.

Mask photo

Mask photo. Looks like a handmade one.  Probably handed out for free. If you paid for it, you would not leave it laying around. You might go back and look for it.

Trash in context

Looks like a memorial of some sort.

Mask photo



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