The World – CDC Director Say’s ‘Vaccines’ Can’t Prevent Transmission of SARS-2 Virus. So What Is The Point Of ‘Vaccine’ Mandates and Passports?

CDC Director Says Vaccines ‘Can’t Prevent Transmission’; Fauci Says ‘Too Early To Tell’ On Holiday Gatherings CDC Diretor Rochelle Walensky said last week that Covid vaccines ‘can’t prevent transmission‘ anymore despite working “exceptionally well.” “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death – they prevent it, … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

  Sunday night sunset Must have been one hell of a bowel movement. OK…if the flags on federal buildings are going to be flown at half mast forever, what happens when another ‘fly flags at half mast’ event happens?  What do you do?  Also, does this not cheapen the whole ‘flags at half mast’ thing?  … Read more