Thunder Bay – Tuesday

MV Federal Elbe MV Federal Elbe Wood Ducks Mask photo Of course. How is this news?  This was expected. It would be more surprising if there were no cases in school. Mask photo Trash in context Mask photo  

The World – Lawyers And Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As ‘Vaccination

Lawyers & Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As Vaccination Now that at least one employer in the health-care field – Michigan’s Spectrum Health – has decided to accept proof of natural immunity from prior infection as reason to waive its vaccination mandate for all employees, legal expert (and the reporters who … Read more

The World – Israelis Rise-Up After Being Told More Shots Needed To Be Considered “Fully Vaccinated”.

Israelis Rise-Up Against Vaxx Passports After Being Told More Shots Needed To Be Considered “Fully Vaccinated” It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’  27 September, 2021 Steve Watson Protests have finally erupted in Israel as it has slowly dawned on people there … Read more