Thunder Bay – Saturday

I can only get glimpses of the morning sky between trees and building on my way down to the lakeshore.

I find it complements the sky when I have a silhouette in the foreground.

Provides nice contrast

Brewha this weekend

Normally this event is held in Marina Park. This year, a smaller event was held on Cumberland Street.  I guess when you have to limit the number of people attending and fewer breweries are able to show up, then this is a better option.

In Marina Park, a pop-up arts and craft fair was being held sponsored by Sleeping Giant Brwery.

MV CSL Welland passing the MV Federal Elbe as it enters the port.

Strange.  There is a reflection but only on the distant portion of the bay.  You can see the dividing line between rough and still water.

Great bee photo opportunities now. With the cold morning temperatures, the bees are slow to react.  You can get real close without them flying away.

Watched this CC130 circling over the harbour.  Last year, the plane dropped off parachutists that were practicing water rescue.

Testing the wind

There. Flippers and all.

Dropped four parachutist


Bird just had to get in the photo.  I think it was a mallard.

Navy picked the jumpers up.

A discarded piece of art.

A magic cone busy at work.


Tomato is still there. Still looks good.

You see, that can SHOULD go into the green bin but that would be extra work.  A step too far.  Sooo, leave it for someone else. THAT is the Thunder Bay way.

Looks like a clean pair of socks.

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