Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Last Full Day Of Summer

Summer ends tomorrow at 3:21 pm EDT

Can’t help it. These lamps fascinate me.

Not sure what the thrill is for people to pull plants out of the ground. Especially bedding plants.

Don’t understand the whole smoking thing either.

Nice work

Not sure this pose is physically possible but its Batman soo who knows?

Beaver trail.  Hauls its lumber through here.

Its a process

City of Rainbows

Still not fixed.

The least that the City of Thunder Bay can do when it comes to infrastructure maintenance is nothing.  The City of Thunder Bay does nothing extremely well.  Possibly the best city at doing nothing in the entire country.

Yup, I’m still in Thunder Bay. Vodka and orange soda?  A cheap Screwdriver cocktail?

The bottle is worth $0.40 if returned.  The plastic one is worth nothing.

Safeway becoming FreshCo so far.  Supposed to open in October

Election cost us taxpayers over $600 million. In the end, the resulting seat distribution in parliament will be almost identical to the 2019 election.   Justin needs to go.


I wonder if the knuckledraggers that do this kind of stuff are suckling on the government teat?  Are we taxpayer enabling this behaviour?

One last Clematis flower makes an appearance.

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